Frederikshavn Handelsskole
Kirkegade 9 - 9900 Frederikshavn

Global communication

Do you wish to learn more about communication, economics, and sustainability on a global scale, whilst also improving your English?

Our subjects and programmes are centred around commercial, political, societal, and cultural relations of the world, with an enhanced focus on both sustainability and the English-speaking world.

Half of your subjects will be taught in English. It is our ambition to make you fluent in the English language, in order to make sure that you are ready to conquer the world when you are done here at HHX. English is a global language, and will therefore be one of the key mediums of communication, both within the world of business, as well as other international organisations, following the completion of your HHX.

You are required to complete two main subjects connected to Global Communication at HHX. The first is International Economics A, which is concerned with economic theory and global relations. The second main subject is a choice between Marketing A or German A. Marketing A is centred around the use of theory from strategic analyses, sales and marketing and actual business case-work, and German A concerns itself with current political, societal, and cultural circumstances within the German-speaking world. In addition to Economics A and Marketing A/B, Global Communication also conducts the following subjects in English: History, Mathematics, English and Business Economics.   

As a student on Global Communications, you will be offered the opportunity to attend three student trips abroad. On the first year (1.g), the trip will most likely be a visit to Brussels, where international organisations are explored and examined. During the second year (2.g), the student trip will be to a European country which, most likely, represents the second foreign language you have chosen to study.

Rikke Wagner
Lektor, vejleder
2725 8515

Heidi Grøntved
Lektor, vejleder
5129 85 13

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Du skal vælge din ungdomsuddannelse og dine fag samt niveau. 

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